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Red Eyes problem treatment in Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab

Red Eyes problem treatment in Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab, According to the best eye specialists in Phagwara, “Red eyes can be described as the condition in which the white surface of eyes comes out to be extremely reddened. It is the condition which we all know as the BLOODSHOT.” Either one or both eyes can suffer from this condition.

Symptoms –
(If Noticed, Then Visit The Doctor At The Earliest)

  • Immense Irritation In The Eyes
  • Burning In The Eyes
  • Continuous Itching Sensations
  • Extreme Dryness
  • Discharge From The Eyes
  • Watery Eyes
  • Increased Sensitivity To Light
    • Blurriness In The Vision

Did you know?
In many of the cases, we have noticed that the bloodshot eyes do not show any symptoms other than redness.

Don’t Be Tensed!

Red eyes are very common and they might have many symptoms. The Red eyes can also be considered as the symptom of other adverse eye conditions. These bother the different patients differently, as per the intensity of the problem which may range from benign to serious.


Dilation Of The Blood Vessels
TThe tiny blood vessels which are located between the white surface and the overlying clear conjunctiva can trigger the emergence of the red eyes. These may or may not get swollen owing to the various environmental and lifestyle changes. In some cases, specific eye problems may also make you become bothered by this problem.

Apart from that, the red eyes can be caused due to the following:

  • Allergy
  • Eye fatigue
  • Over-wearing contact lenses

Did you know?
But, here we would like to mention that red eyes can sometimes be an indicator of serious problems like glaucoma.

Environmental causes are also responsible for red eyes:

  • Airborne allergens
  • Air pollution
  • Smoke
  • Dry air
  • Dust
  • Airborne fumes
  • Chemical exposure
  • Overexposure to sunlight
Lifestyle Factors
If the individual is not living a healthy lifestyle, then there are 100% chances that he or she may suffer from any serious condition, not particularly related to the eyes but the overall body.
Smoking Addiction
Some people are addicted to smoking and do not know the adverse effects of smoking..
Sleep Deprivation
I know, in today’s world, we cannot achieve anything until the person works hard for the whole day and night. When a person does this, then there are quite a lot of chances that he or she may have to suffer from the condition of red eyes.

Do Away With This Problem!

Consult With The Doctors
To do away with this problem, first of all, you should learn to recognize it as the problem. Immediately after you come to know that you are suffering from some serious condition of the eyes, you should not wait for a second to take this issue to the reputed doctors, who intend to make your eye condition get better with the result-oriented treatment options.

Use Only Prescribed Eye Drops

Eyes, as we know, are the most sensitive organs of the body. So the individual should not show any kind of negligence in getting it treated. It is suggested that the individual should not use any eye drops without the proper prescription of the doctors.

Do Not Wear The Contact Lenses
In case you find your eyes to be red, then you are recommended not to wear the contact lenses and the glasses unless you have consulted the best eye care professional.
Use Preservative-free Eye Drops
In case, the condition of the dry eyes keeps on getting aggravated and there is still some time for you to visit the doctor, then you can consider using the preservative-free lubricating eye drops.

Bottom Line

No sooner, you experience even slight redness in your eyes than you should make sure that you are consulting the reputed eye care professionals of the Mitra eye hospital and the Lasik Laser centre.

Getting In Touch Is Easy