Oculoplastic Surgery

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Patel Nagar, Hargobind Nagar, Phagwara, Punjab 144401

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Phone: 01824-356072
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Appointment: 95011-16997

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Monday to Saturday – 10am to 6pm

At Mitra Eye Hospital, we understand the importance of comprehensive oculoplastic care in preserving both the function and aesthetics of the eyes. Our specialized oculoplasty services are designed to address a wide range of conditions affecting the eyelids, tear ducts, and orbit, ensuring optimal visual health and appearance.

Our Oculoplasty Services Include:

  1. Eyelid Surgery:
    • Blepharoplasty: Cosmetic and functional eyelid surgery to correct droopy eyelids (ptosis), excess skin, or fat deposits around the eyes.
    • Entropion and Ectropion Repair: Surgical correction of eyelid malpositions that cause discomfort or affect vision.
  2. Orbital Surgery:
    • Orbital Fracture Repair: Reconstruction of the orbital bones and tissues following trauma or injury.
    • Orbital Tumor Surgery: Surgical removal of benign or malignant tumors affecting the eye socket.
  3. Lacrimal Surgery:
    • Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR): Surgical procedure to treat blocked tear ducts (nasolacrimal duct obstruction), improving tear drainage.
    • Lacrimal Sac Surgery: Management of conditions affecting the tear sac, such as inflammation or infection.
  4. Cosmetic Oculoplasty:
    • Eyelid Ptosis Repair: Correction of droopy eyelids to improve both vision and aesthetic appearance.
    • Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery: Enhancing the appearance of the eyelids through procedures like blepharoplasty and brow lifts.

Why Choose Mitra Eye Hospital for Oculoplasty?

  • Expertise: Our oculoplastic surgeons are highly skilled and experienced in performing complex procedures with precision and care.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure optimal surgical outcomes and patient safety.
  • Comprehensive Care: From diagnosis to post-operative recovery, we provide personalized care tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

Oculoplastic surgery in Jalandhar, Punjab (Eyelid Surgery) | Oculoplastic surgery cost in Phagwara

Oculoplastic surgery in Jalandhar, Punjab (Eyelid Surgery, Oculoplastic surgeons are adding to the demands when it comes to curing the problems of eye-related to orbit, tear ducts, cysts, and tumors on the eyelids. Mitra Eye Hospital ophthalmologists are specialized in plastic and reconstructive surgery for the eyelids, eyebrows, forehead, cheeks, lacrimal, and orbit. Our surgeons are highly trained to treat the eyelid and facial features, for adults or children. Oculoplastic surgery treatment in India costs around Rs 90,000 or depending on your condition it will vary. By checking your condition, age, and other possible factors the doctor will determine the total cost of the treatment.

Quality Eye Care Made Easier

What is Oculoplasty?

Oculoplasty also known as ophthalmic plastic surgery is done for the eyes and the structure around them. Oculoplastic surgery will Improve, comfort, and appearance for the following problems which includes:

  • Tear Drainage Problems
  • Eyelid Malposition
  • Skin Cancers of the Eyelid
  • Problems of the Orbit (eye socket)
  • Eyebrow Problems

In most cases, this surgery is the best choice to address the medical problems linked to the eyes along with cosmetic issues.

Who Needs Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery?

Who needs Oculoplasty

At Mitra Eye Hospital, the doctor will check your condition and let you know whether you need surgery and these are the symptoms which you will experience and it includes the following:

  • Twitching of eyes
  • Bulging Eyes
  • The absence of an eye
  • Orbit Tumors
  • Burns of the eye
  • Blinking of eyes more than usual
  • Wrinkles, scars, or folds around the eyes
  • Tumors growing inside or around the eye
  • Blepharoplasty or excessive fat in eyelids
  • Eyelids tearing in or out (Entropion/Ectropion)
  • Eyelids Hanging Downwards (Ptosis)
  • Blocked Tear Ducts (NLD Block)


Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery

At Mitra Eye Hospital, we have an experienced and trained team of surgeons who perform different kinds of surgeries to address your problem.

How long does it take for Oculoplasty?

This type of surgery is completed in just one day and then you are allowed to go home on the same day. The recovery is too quick with this surgery.

Different types of oculoplastic surgeries

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery): Eyes are the first thing that people notice and it changes your overall personality. With age, the shape and tone of the eyelids sag and loose. Excess sun and hereditary factors will make changes to the eyes. Lax skin or puffy skin will make you appear older.
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty (pronounced “blef-a-ro-plasty”): Excess skin, lax muscle, and bulging fat is removed which gives you a youthful look. In case, the sagging upper eyelid affects the vision then this procedure will expand and obstruct the visual field. With this, this procedure is getting increased demand.
Upper Blepharoplasty: With upper eyelid blepharoplasty, the excess fat and skin are removed from the upper eyelids. Due to excess skin, the vision might get affected and it even leads to eyelid fatigue. The surgeon will make the incision in which the natural crease of the skin, eye, fat, and muscle are removed.
Lower Blepharoplasty: With Lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the excess fat, muscle, and skin are taken away from the lower part of the eyelids. It is possible the eyelids will get droopy or they have bags. In such a case, this procedure will make the right choice and an incision is made below the margin of the eyelid.
Ptosis Repair: Ptosis comes from a medical term which is known as upper eyelids getting droopy. In such a case, the visual field might get reduced due to the eyelid getting completely or partially obstructed. Sometimes, the problem reaches the condition they need to lift the eyelids to see properly.
With time, the symptoms will get worse. In most cases, the eyelid drooping is due to stretching or loosening of the muscle & tendon which helps to elevate the eyelid. The main purpose of this surgery is to restore the vision field.
Ectropion Repair: Ectropion is a condition in which the lower eyelid is “rolled out” from the eye and it becomes saggy. It is important to get the condition treated on time otherwise it can lead to problem like:

  • Eyelid crusting
  • Chronic tearing
  • Eye Irritation
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Gritty feeling
  • Cornea Breaks Down
  • Mucous discharge

Entropion Repair: In this condition, the eyelid gets rolled inside of the eye and the problem can occur due to increasing age and eyelid muscles becoming weak. When the eyelid gets turned then it can lead to redness, pain, irritation, and sensitivity to wind & light. If the problem is not treated then it can lead to:

  • Corneal Scarring
  • Cornea Scratching
  • Tearing
  • Mucous Discharge

Eyelid Growths and Skin Cancers: Your eyelid is the thin and most sensitive part of the body. Due to age and sun damage changes occur in it. There are high chances to get skin cancer of the eyelids and it can lead to bleeding, excess growth, or ulcerations.
The doctor will check the condition and perform a biopsy. In such conditions, the tumor is removed from the eyes, so that it reduces the risk of cancer recurrence.
Tearing Disorders: The eyes need to be moist so that it is healthy and it functions properly. When you blink, the tears spread to the eye surface, and excess of it will go into the tear drainage system. The perfect balance is kept between the tear level. In case, the water is excess then it leads to dryness or even affects the tear flow from the eye.
If tears are not produced in the right amount then it can lead to symptoms like irritation, burning, and tearing. Lubrication will make it easier to address the irritation and drying.
Orbital Surgery: Orbital surgery helps in managing thyroid and eye disorders, tumors, and trauma.

Care for your Eyes, See the World The Way You Want To

If you have any problem related to the eyes or want to change the appearance, then you need to consult the best eye expert at Mitra Eye Hospital.

Getting In Touch Is Easy