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Keratoconus treatment in Jalandhar, Punjab

Keratoconus treatment in Jalandhar, Punjab, Keratoconus is one type of eye problem which progresses over time. This condition is likely to thin out the cornea (clear & front of the eye surface) and it develops the shape of a cone. This condition is likely to become apparent during the teenage years or in the 20s. With this condition, either one or both eyes can get affected.
At Mitra Eye Hospital, we have the best and modern treatment approach for keratoconus treatment. With the philosophy of individualized treatment approach at our Eye Hospital In Phagwara, we have treated countless patients and helped them to see the world with better vision. The keratoconus treatment can cost around Rs 40,000 but it can vary from patient to patient. Moreover, the treatment success rate is more than 96%.

What are the symptoms of Keratoconus?

Due to corneal irregularity, nearsightedness and the risk of astigmatism can develop which can make your vision blurry and you will have additional issues. A person with this condition is likely to have trouble with light sensitivity and seeing glare. Apart from these, you are likely to notice symptoms like:

  • Double vision when looking with one eye
  • Triple ghost images
  • The blurry vision which makes it difficult to drive at night
  • Whether the object is far or near the vision will look blurry


What are the causes of keratoconus?

Studies have shown that this condition is likely to occur when the enzymes are not balanced within the cornea. Due to this, the oxidative damage is likely to increase and the cornea becomes weak and starts bulging forward.
Although, you can prevent the keratoconus eye problem by following some of the best measures suggested by the doctor.

How is keratoconus diagnosed?

To diagnose the condition, the ophthalmologist will check your medical and family history. Along with that eye, the examination is done to better understand the cornea shape. Some of the tests which are conducted by the eye doctor are:

Eye Refraction
Measure the eye to check vision problem
Slit-lamp Examination
Check the cornea shape and other potential eye issues
Computerized Corneal Mapping
Create a detailed cornea map
Determine the basic cornea shape

Book your Initial Consultation

If you are able to notice the symptoms or you are having trouble finding the best treatment, then book your initial consultation with our experienced eye doctor at the earliest.

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